History of firestorm
Firestorm began as a vision from the founder, Jim Wills, to create a resource that could assist the federal agencies in their forestry and fuels management and fire suppression efforts. In 1995 Firestorm was established with a memorandum of understanding for a single organized fire crew on the Lassen National Forest in Northern California.
Our Management team
Firestorm’s continued success and growth is in large part due to the committed management team. Each individual on the team brings different expertise and perspective. They represent multiple personality types, not always seeing eye to eye, but that is what makes it great. Questions are not afraid to be asked and they continually strive to push the envelope.
Our Mission and values
Firestorm Wildland Fire Suppression, Inc. is a company committed to providing our clients with excellence in professionalism, quality and service through our sound business principles. We strive to set the standard in the field of fire suppression, prescribed burning and urban fire defense. Firestorm aims to be unsurpassed in the field of service contracting.
Safety is of utmost importance to us. We aim to maintain a safe, enjoyable working environment while taking on the most challenging of tasks.
Provide all of our clients with a quality of service that is unparalleled by our competitors or agency personnel.
We strive to have our personnel perform at levels of physical fitness and professionalism that are unsurpassed by the competition. The excellence of the Firestorm team will form a quality production machine.

company values
- Be obedient to God’s call. To be a witness in all parts of our business and lives.
- Promote positive family and life values to all employees and all others we come in contact with.
- Build trusting relationships with all clients and sub-contractors.
- Operate all phases of the business as a profit by using fair and practical bidding practices.
- Promote Forest Health through sound management principles.
- Comply with all local, state and federal regulations pertaining to our field.